
Tuesday 15 February 2011

What have you learned from your audience feedback? (Ancillary task)

This is the "one venue" poster in which I shared my work over the internet, by using photo-based website Flickr, in order to gain audience feedback, and what they thought about the work. I did post the URL and photograph onto Facebook, but I recieved no response. However, I am pleased that I recieved some comments about my ancillary task as they have demonstrated that they particularly liked the photograph and that the font and glow behind complimented it, but they have given me constuctive critisism, on what I could do to improve it. The second comment said "the white stroke and glow, and the block color of the text shoves the photo into the background, maybe there's a way to somehow integrate the two? like allowing the text to sit in a block of color somewhere on either side, or top or bottom. or overlaying the text somehow."

What I have learned overall is that it has been quite difficult in getting my ancillary task noticed by the wider audience, which was quite frustrating as I did need a variety of feedback. But, I am pleased that I recieved some form of feedback, which has helped me to understand what real upcoming artists may feel when it comes to releasing their work and getting their preferred audience to notice it. Also, the feedback I did recieve has helped me to discover what I could to do make the poster look refined and more professional.

1 comment:

  1. You make some insightful comments here on getting audience attention. What else could you do as an up and coming artist?Remember your are signed to Island- what would they do to help ? JIN
