
Tuesday 15 February 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (Music Video)

The music video and promotion package I had created on my behalf, were of an "indie/indie-pop" and of "baroque pop" genres. In regard to the ancillary tasks I had completed, many of the aspects had come from influences and the inspiration of Tori Amos (Cornflake Girl), Kate Bush (Wuthering Heights), and Florence Welch (Florence & the Machine; Lungs album), and that the tasks met the forms and conventions of a music video, and the ancillary task fits in well with these female artists.
  • "Cornflake Girl" by Tori Amos - the song the group were most influenced by.

This alternative rock video is visual in it's creativity and media elements. It has underlying tones of simplicity, in the sense that it represents a beautiful, young, pale woman with bright red hair, who is eccentric and experimental with her appearance. Obviously Tori Amos came after Kate Bush, who was the original female artist to create this pre-Raphaelite look (if you look at Ophelia, it is very similar to these artists). The introduction of the video of the autumnal shots has also been a contributor to the work as we have used a forest as a main part of the music video, nature and trees overlaying the face, creating a surrealist feel to the video.

However, my music video has developed in terms of "real media products" meaning, how has my work been influences and developed from real artists... which in that way, I believe that my music video has pushed the boundaries of what is considered a "music video". Of course, there are lots of shots and locations we have used to get our artist, "Madelyn Faith"(used 'Blinding' by F&TM), to be related in terms of the genre of the music, and that we have used a variety of locations such as Nonsuch Park, and my bathroom -- to create this fresh, contemporary, almost radical, (more so eccentric) figure to show a feeling of independence and creativity. It has developed as we have worked together, yet kept in terms with the conventions of a music video (we have used close ups, lip-synced, variety of props and costume) to make a low/no budget music video give the illusion that it is professional in the hands of amateurs. Overall, I am extremely pleased with my music video because yet it has pushed and challenged the conventions of real media products, it is more so vibrant and unique -- it's not like the typical music videos you would see on the TV -- our artist is not banded in with mainstream music. I personally believe that we have created the video in the artistic and kept in with nature and surrealism to give out a message that not everything is the same, there are other things to be inspired by....
  • The editing did not take the form of 'continuity' and therefore, defied the laws of a 'structured' music video. When analyzing other music videos, it was in fact highly noted that a lot of narrative and structure was present. The absence of a specific structure caused the forms of traditional media to be challenged, for example; there were no specific prior location, the artist would be dancing and taking in scenery from the forest.
  • Disorganised use of effects such as 'overlapping' the scenes and the use of quick cuts and combining video footage together also challenged the 'neat' mediated videos that individuals are familiar to.

1 comment:

  1. Siani- Your style of analysis- like your artist- is also a little eccentric! You do get there in the end and give us a detailed analysis of your products. You consider the key words- use, develop and challenge well. You could detail a little more Why Cornflake Girl is/was such an influence on your group as I am curious to know why! This is a good post well done. JIN
