
Tuesday 30 November 2010

Comparing Media Blogs

Looking through a "longroadmusicvideo" blog, I realised that this blog has a lot of descriptive text posts, and have used a lot of music videos and created their final music video, and their finished digi-packs (in which we have not yet done)

I have made a few comparisons from their blog and my own.

  • Looking through their blog, they have used many videos contributing to their ideas, and have used a broad range of example artists and had influences by analysing a range of album covers.
  • Mine is quite similar, as I have used a range of music videos, and album covers in order to gain influence and inspiration of what to include in my music video.
  • Also, their blog have included magazine posters, and front covers, and CD covers.
  • In comparison to mine, I have done this, but not to an extremity - I've only included certain music videos, posters, CD covers which are in relation to my ideas.
  • Also, I have a theme running through my blog, whereas their blog is slightly jumbled.

  • Their blog has too much text posts, which it would be tiring for an examiner.
  • My blog could include more music videos, influences, digi-packs with explanation/ referring to my ideas.
  • Their blog has included film stills - something I could do when filming.
  • Their blog has photoshopped testers and outcomes- something I could do in the future.

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