
Tuesday 2 November 2010

Planning Task 14) Advert Designs

  • For my ancillary task, I was set to create a "one off" venue poster for our artist Madelyn Faith. Here are some photographs showing what I've done and the result overall.

  • This is me making adjustments to my artist advert design. You can see it's almost finished but I needed to experiment with filters to bring out a more subtle, and dark tones to be in contrast with Laura's lighter design.

I decided that I needed a dark blue "exclusion" filter to complete the advert poster. To do this, I pressed 'cmd' and 'a' to select the whole advert. I then right-clicked onto the advert and went onto 'fill' > then 'colour', then it went onto colour selection and I chose to use dark blue.

  • Here is the final design! I think the poster overall represents a darker, twisted side of Madelyn Faith. The effects I have used (such as lens flare and exclusions) generally fit in with the concept and chosen genre of our artist (genre being indie-pop/baroque-pop)and it fits in with the conventions of genre. This poster creates a feeling of bitterness, whereas Laura's poster is the opposite of mine.

1 comment:

  1. This is good- i think perhaps some of what you have shown and said will also relate to several of your questions in the Evaluation so use this post to help guide you. JIN
