
Tuesday 30 November 2010

Comparing Media Blogs

Looking through a "longroadmusicvideo" blog, I realised that this blog has a lot of descriptive text posts, and have used a lot of music videos and created their final music video, and their finished digi-packs (in which we have not yet done)

I have made a few comparisons from their blog and my own.

  • Looking through their blog, they have used many videos contributing to their ideas, and have used a broad range of example artists and had influences by analysing a range of album covers.
  • Mine is quite similar, as I have used a range of music videos, and album covers in order to gain influence and inspiration of what to include in my music video.
  • Also, their blog have included magazine posters, and front covers, and CD covers.
  • In comparison to mine, I have done this, but not to an extremity - I've only included certain music videos, posters, CD covers which are in relation to my ideas.
  • Also, I have a theme running through my blog, whereas their blog is slightly jumbled.

  • Their blog has too much text posts, which it would be tiring for an examiner.
  • My blog could include more music videos, influences, digi-packs with explanation/ referring to my ideas.
  • Their blog has included film stills - something I could do when filming.
  • Their blog has photoshopped testers and outcomes- something I could do in the future.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Planning Task 18) Track Permission letter

This is the letter that Laura had written for Island Records, as the song we want to use has been published by this company. There wasn't an email address, so that's a disadvantage, and the only way was that I had printed a copy off, and myself and Laura signed our signatures and I sent the letter off. We needed to write this to the record company as we would be "stealing" the song.

Planning Task 15) Photoshoot Plan

We have decided to go by this plan as we need a variety of film footage, and lots of photographs to conclude the promotional package.

Planning Task 14) Advert Designs

  • For my ancillary task, I was set to create a "one off" venue poster for our artist Madelyn Faith. Here are some photographs showing what I've done and the result overall.

  • This is me making adjustments to my artist advert design. You can see it's almost finished but I needed to experiment with filters to bring out a more subtle, and dark tones to be in contrast with Laura's lighter design.

I decided that I needed a dark blue "exclusion" filter to complete the advert poster. To do this, I pressed 'cmd' and 'a' to select the whole advert. I then right-clicked onto the advert and went onto 'fill' > then 'colour', then it went onto colour selection and I chose to use dark blue.

  • Here is the final design! I think the poster overall represents a darker, twisted side of Madelyn Faith. The effects I have used (such as lens flare and exclusions) generally fit in with the concept and chosen genre of our artist (genre being indie-pop/baroque-pop)and it fits in with the conventions of genre. This poster creates a feeling of bitterness, whereas Laura's poster is the opposite of mine.

CD cover designs and Influences

During this lesson, myself and Laura have gained a number of ideas which will contribute in making our CD cover. By looking at, we have looked at a number of albums including Ladyhawke - what interested me, was by the simple use of using an editing software; i.e. Photoshop, and the concept of the album is shown by it's "arty" flare, which caught my attention in perhaps using a similar theme for my album cover.

Also, even by using one photograph and using subtle text over could be another essential idea for the CD design - which I looked at Yeah Yeah Yeahs' "It's Blitz!", whi
ch I found the layout to be appealing, and that the yellow paint has a significanteffect. The idea of using a simple photograph, and the use of editing software which will make the picture appear professional, simplistic.

Planning Task 12) Shooting Schedule

A shooting schedule is a table which shows the dates and times when a group is expected to film a music video. I have made one to keep organised and to know what exact props and costume I will need to bring on a specific day.

Planning Task 11) Location Shots

After finding influences from the pre-Raphaelite paintings ('Ophelia' - John Hughes 1852; 'Lamia' - John William Waterhouse 1909), myself and Laura had decided that we would be basing our location in parks or forests; as the season is autumn and drawing into winter, this would be a perfect and ideal location to set the video; as these locations will look very "dreamy", and the colours will be a golden-orange, and even using different colour filters, this would make the video appear professional when used correctly.

Nonsuch Park would be the ideal location to film the music video. (As it isn't too far) I had looked at these photos of Nonsuch Park (credit to Miss Cunliffe) and there are a number of good locations to use within these pictures, as they create the dreamy, autumnal feel that we are going to be depicting in the future music video.

I have chosen this photo to use as a potential location setting as it fits in with the theme, it's quite enchanting and mysterious; and almost looks like a painting, and the path way and the neat circle is also quite illusionary.

I also like this photo, also another possible location to use when creating the music video; there are many wonderful trees in this park, and could be a possibility to use a few trees when filming.

This photo has natural lighting, the purple light could create a filter when filming, if we were to use the technique. However, it is a good photo with the surrounding trees.

Planning Task 10) Props, Costume, Make up, & equipment.

The costume and make-up that is going to be used in the music video will be a variety of clothing, ranging from flowy dresses, using materials such as lace, and laced accessories e.g. masks, gloves, pins. The artist will appear to look very unique, and have my own 'mark' on the music - like Lady Gaga (mask-wearing). As i'm camera shy, covering my face with masks will have a significant effect both on the concept and raise curiosity for the audience as to who she is.

Planning Task 9) Storyboards

I have created a storyboard, because it will be the main source of our music video shooting ideas. Also, it keeps the list organised, so we would know what to bring and the location we need to be on a certain day. Also, we can always change our ideas or expand on it.

Planning Task 8) Concept

The concept of our music video will be influenced by a number of different shots as myself and Laura are quite shy, and so by using a variety of camera techniques and different shots, this music video will turn out well - we'll be using masks, bizarre outfits, and low key lighting to show the artist in a different light.

This mask technique can be seen in a number of music videos, in "Look Blue Go Purple - Circumspect Penelope" in which the artists are performing in masks. Also in "Little Secrets - Passion Pit"; people are wearing paper bags with faces on their heads, and this is showing that many music videos are now modern and contemporary.

Planning Task 6) Image Annotation

I would want my artist to be inspired from these female artists. Lady Gaga for her eccentric fashion style and her use of wearing masks in her videos. Florence Welch for her image of pale, red hair. Kate Bush with the element of nature, twinned with all three women, but made as an adaption, not a copy.