
Sunday 17 October 2010

Research Task 14) Genre Research 2

"Plans" is the fifth studio album by the band Death Cab for Cutie. The genre for this band are classified under indie-pop and alternative rock. Also a continuation, or sister album to Transatlanticism, the previous album.

From what it looks like, the background is slightly blurred, possibly a building and the foreground of a top of a tree, being the main focus as well as the typography "PLANS" being upfront yet striking. Vignette effect around the corners giving out a pessimisstic and dawny/autumnal vibe, also relaxing, generally giving off a mature, charismatic feel which may consistently excite those who like the band!

Ben Gibbard (leading frontman) has quoted (about the theme) "
I don't think there's necessarily a story, but there's definitely a theme here. One of my favorite kind of dark jokes is, 'How do you make God laugh? You make a plan. Nobody ever makes a plan that they're gonna go out and get hit by a car. A plan almost always has a happy ending. Essentially, every plan is a tiny prayer to Father Time. I really like the idea of a plan not being seen as having definite outcomes, but more like little wishes."

Overall, the album cover is relevant to my selected genre as "indie"; as there are rarely a photo of the band displayed; usually a photo like this with light coloured fonts - can be easily made for a low budget music video! (that was why I chose this particular album.)

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