
Friday 17 September 2010

Research Task 10) Theories 2 (Vernallis)

Carol Vernallis' theory explains the "kindest cuts" functions and meanings in music video editing.

Editing in Pop videos: The editing must keep the audience in the present moment e.g. aims to stop the audience from focusing on the image rather than the music itself, or music over image.
Uses small sections of continuity editing; montage and juxtaposition. The rules od continuity editing are usually broken. There are, however, shots that compare up in a complimentary way such as edits that anticipate a gesture in a shot that tracks through. e.g. shot of artist dancing and fast edits are used inbetween.

Graphic match is also used in pop videos
Shots such as the dolly, track, high angle shots are the most common to use in Pop videos.

Alejandro is a good example that matches to the theoy due to Lady Gaga as there are constant use of track and quick cuts used in the video. It also fits in with the theory due to her constant change in costume.

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